s w i f t s  &  s l o w s: a quarterly of crisscrossings

Nature Lovers
M A Shaheed & Michael Bussey

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I keep getting interrupted by nature’s
demands to do what it its self was

I know mentioning how
beautiful all the flowers and tress are
so nice, how the wind sends scents
through people’s windows.

I know tall trees have a lot of leaves
and ocean breezes are so brutiful.
What does that have to do with anything.
The mind trying to find a soft place to land,
while land is almost gone.

Rivers at the front door drowning your
flower beds, killing the grapevines before
the can make the wine. Nature blew down
the Xmas tress with all the pretty leaves.

Killed the dogs the cats and hogs and rats.
Made a home for mosquitoes and flees.
Turned the smiles to terror, now the police
and army got to watch out for their own homes.

Mighty nations think about saying please,
to who? It couldn’t be nature, it is the thing
that is bringing them to their knees.

If this is a war who you think is going to win?
You may have 10 minutes more than the guy
next door.

All the things you wrote about like the beauty in
the winds, the smoothness in the breeze. That
was all for you, because nature never heard or
promised anything.

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Poem: M A Shaheed. Photograph: Michael Bussey.

This photograph depicts a tree on a Cuban plantation, most likely considered sacred by the enslaved people who worked there due to it’s similarity to the African Baobab tree. This same plantation is the launching point to, Carlota’s rebellion,  one of the largest, bloodiest slave uprisings on the island.  – Michael Bussey

M A Shaheed began writing in the seventh grade, was encouraged by English teacher. After H.S. started a column at factory magazine called (Poets Corner.) Moved to Sweden began music moves playing bass in the Avant Garde music. Continued to write for with a group called Muntu Poet, led by famous Avant Garde poet Russell Atkins. Have written and published many books of poetry, short stories, flash fiction and Novellas.

Michael Bussey was born and raised in Cleveland, Ohio. He moved to Chicago to study Political Science and Geography at DePaul University, ultimately becoming an award winning cartographer. After exploring cinematography he discovered his passion for visual storytelling. He now follows in the tradition of the West African Griot, exploring the many facets of self, society and the globe, weaving visual stories from his experiences. He enjoys reading, eating and practicing the martial arts in his spare time.