swifts  &  s l o w s · a quarterly of crisscrossings

waves of glossy saffron silk
Camille Castro

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dripple drop

while wise-tipped carnage
fell through the banyan tree,
i could no longer enunciate
what— heavenly A’s and E’s
progressed to mean
curved by lesser, astringent-laden
a swish, —a knuckle-dipped drink
a pheromone-inducing catharsis
i mean, i guess?
it never occurred to me
that wind-chopped freckles
—no, liquidated hair tips
and unruly split ends
could do this much

fermented wine

streams of consciousness persist,
ocean waters undulate,
the fountain of youthful
euphemisms remains untouched

blue raspberry slushie

A mass of content, dwindling down from every parchment-laden side. A visit to
Quincy’s Tavern shall yield more than what a run-down, raggedy pub could offer.
Waves of shimmering, glossy saffron silk kept in the confines of rowdy renegades.
Shear after shear, I wait in anxious serendipity. An orca kept in the confines of a
four-paneled aquarium. Who will leave first?, is what they dare to ask.

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Camille Castro, is a second-year English student at her local university. Her works have appeared or are forthcoming in Dreich Journal, Last Leaves, Topical Poetry and elsewhere.