The System

M A Shaheed
October 2020

The System

White supremacy or any other kind of a system that dominates a group or society has a place for everybody who lives in it. Thereby creating an un holy alliance to rule over. A constant bombardment of, lies, misdirection, giving the appearance that there many things to be concerned about. All these things emanate from one single source. Using the analogy of an orchestra; it’s made up of sections that chime in on command.

These commands are planted in the minds of the populace by way of the educational system, entertainment, advertising, the use of force, drugs or habits that bring no benefit to the victims. The victims are always led to believe that some action or inaction by them will change a system that depends on their being gullible and powerless. On every level of that society there is waiting for the citizens, the second class over seers (AKA) Goons. Any attempt to escape by the victims of their predicament, is monitored and squashed, by any and all means imagined and made available to the overseers.

The very same monitors are themselves victims of the same system. They are as delusional as the people they are appointed over to oppress. They know that if they even think, what they are doing is wrong, they will suffer the same fate as the people right under them.

One afternoon I was with one of my grandsons. He is thirteen years old. We started talking after I got him to relax and open up. During our ride he asked me why white people hated us so much? He was truly puzzled. I wanted to be as succinct and honest as possible. He has been raised to understand how people are supposed to be, that hate is a negative emotion and has no place in our lifestyle. Additionally, he was confounded, because he wanted to know what we had done to them.

I told him that all white people were not like that. I told him there was a type of them, who were not human, that they were like monsters. That seemed to clear things up with him, because he sat back in the seat and said in a low voice and said, “Monsters” He was able to draw the parallel. At his age he wouldn’t be able to understand anything else.

As he gets older, he can refine his views and his understanding of that anomaly among the human race. Most likely, it will be easy to figure out, who’s who, because they will be the same as they have always been. The explanation I gave him was a good starting point. I didn’t want to give him the impression that I was trying to soft pedal them, or make any kind of excuse for them. He can pass that information to his siblings.

This is how I raised his father and his siblings. No delusions, to lower their expectations when encountering that entity.

Also, in the future, he will be able to recognize monsters and know who or what they are. It gives him a heads-up and shortens the learning curve.
The system can’t flourish by just dealing with a minority group, the economy dictates otherwise. It is essential to create false desires and needs in all the people to sustain the energy needed to maintain said system. You will never hear the people in power complain about the system.

The oppressed people have appetites unchecked, when talking of the oppressed, you’re talking all the people who have no power, who are deluded in believing there are rules to protect them against the status quo. The system is the criminal but can’t be punished by the individuals it commits the crimes against.

Crime can’t sustain the little guy, the persons who have been determined to be the initial targets, the expendables. In reality there are not too many people that fit that category . What many don’t see are the numbers, they mostly see what’s around them. The system managers keep a constant eye on the numbers, that includes various incidents accidents, suicides, the list goes on.

There is no perfect man-made system. History proves it over and over. There are only so many stop gap- measures one can use to fortify it. Every attempt to do so makes things worse. It’s Like trying to fix the same flat tire 50 times. The same people who built the system, are the ones who try and fix it, with same intentions as in the first place.

There is enough guilt to spread around, the difference is, there are those whose guilt comes from the pressures of oppression and ignorance, while the architects of the system are ultimately responsible and will carry the burdens that will come with their status. Their denial is what has caused the decease that we as a nation are facing. All the bystanders are and have always been culpable in the crimes and the sickness that has resurfaced in the nation.

Like any virus that goes untreated, it spreads and mutates. In this writer’s opinion, it’s beyond control, because of the system we have participated in and ignored. Whatever the individual thinks or believes, you can’t un-ring a bell. It is a system, and a people who are recalcitrant. They think of their acts of murder and genocide are somehow patriotic. A place where hatred is managed and manipulated to the benefit of the benefactors. The people have lost, or never had a shred of decency. As a result, we are all suffering. We are all participants and victims of a malignant system, built on another system of the same kind. Too many holes in the dykes.

Read the essay Those, by M A S haheed on Arteidolia→

M A Shaheed writer, author, realist began writing in the seventh grade encouraged by his English teacher. After H.S. started a column at factory magazine called (Poets Corner.) Moved to Sweden began music moves playing bass in the Avant Garde music. Continued to write for with a group called Muntu Poet, led by famous Avant Garde poet Russell Atkins. Have written and published many books of poetry, short stories, flash fiction and Novellas.

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