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Cupboard Love
Gloria Monaghan & Frank Navin

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Frank Navin and Gloria Monaghan are cousins and artists working on collaborative projects in visual art and poetry. Gloria Monaghan is a Professor of Humanities at Wentworth Institute in Boston. She has published five books of poetry, Flawed (Finishing Line Press, 2011, nominated for the Massachusetts Book Award), The Garden (Flutter Press 2015), False Spring (Adelaide Press, 2019), Torero (Nixes Mate), and Hydrangea (Kelsay Press 2020). Her poems have appeared in Alexandria Quarterly, 2River, Adelaide, Aurorean, Chiron, Nixes-Mate, First Literary Review East, among others. In 2018 her poem, “Into Grace” was nominated for the Pushcart Prize. Frank Navin is a designer, artist, and musician. He is the founding member of the Aluminum Group, an internationally recognized soul/pop band based in Chicago. He designed the 2019 men and women’s winter/spring fashion show for Marni. He has worked in visual art and mixed media for over 30 years. His artwork can be found at Charleyboat.