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U/X 001-100: : st&ing 13K ray
in8 iD

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”U/X-001-101: i.O.U. X-ing” is a 1-bit excerpt from an overarching  work-in-progress entitled U/X, a 64-bit oracular User eXperience guide to cope with changing environmental elements. In the formulation of U/X, the author pushed the computer/software to the limits of its capabilities, to the extent that it kept crashing and the source files were corrupted beyond repair. This hard-coded blueprint can serve to reverse engineer at least the this bit of U/X, which, in a holographic sense, also contains information about the whole.

in8 iĐ is the posthuman entity indoctrinated by computers and software to create this text/image. The biological being of in8 iĐ suffers from Ménière’s syndrome which afflicts them with near-constant vertigo, brain fog, vestibular migraines, tinnitus, and deafness in their right ear, disorienting them, but also perhaps enabling them to channel transmissions that “normal” humans don’t hear. Collectively, under various other identities, they have published other book objects, including 4ier X-forms, Textiloma, A Raft Manifest and Ark Codex ±0. They also make music as  Sound Furies and blog at 5cense.com.